Gimongo! And two small ones for size comparison |
It has been such an interesting few weeks! The superstars have emerged, especially the wild type we have named "Gimongo." There are noticeably fewer axolotls in the tanks; cannibalism definitely took its toll. However, many of the ones that are left are huge in comparison to before. Some are still smaller than the rest. The big tank has more, larger axolotls, whereas the smaller one has fewer, smaller ones. The wild types are definitely emerging as a power over the poor leucistics. The leucistic population is much smaller than it was during the last post. Since we want to ensure some leucistic axolotls survive, we took the father out of the small holding tank and sent him home to free up a third tank especially for the white babies. They were separated from the wild types and placed in this tank. The bloodworms ran out over spring break, so we tried feeding them amphibian pellets (the regular diet of the full grown axolotls). They recognized them as food and ate them. This means that they are nearing the adoption stage! It seems like they have grown so quickly.
Little Leucistic Tank |
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