The axolotls are growing so large! This past week has been a monumental one. The axolotls got moved to a larger, cleaner tank. In the move, we found six dead axolotls. These are the first known deaths. The survivors got their first taste of food that is not brine shrimp: live blackworms! These worms are really thin and long, so it was a formidable task for the baby axolotls to eat them. It would be like a human, unable to bite, slurping a string of wriggling spaghetti that is three times their size! The next day, fourteen of the larger ones were separated and a chunk of frozen bloodworms was placed in the container. When they thaw, these are about the size of a smaller baby axolotl. They also do not move,which means that the axolotls must hunt by smell, not by sight.

I haven't seen one of them completely eat a bloodworm yet, but some have tried, which is a definitely good sign. The brine shrimp hatchings have not been extremely successful, but now that the axolotls are taking larger prey, we can use store bought food. One bad thing about this growth, howpoint. I haven't seen them completely eat one another, but there have been reports. I have seen them nip at each other, however. It is sad, but we have to ever, is cannibalism. The baby axolotls start eating each other after a certain keep in mind Darwin's theories of evolution. I will try and separate the superstar ones today to ensure the optimal group of survivors.